. . . in progress . . .
1978 | Un’azione filmica. Script & realisation. Mus. Michelangelo Lupone; 16mm, colour, sound, 22’20”.
— F.p. Rome, Il giovane cinema italiano, Filmstudio 70, 3rd July 1980.
— Rome, Il Cinema underground italiano, Massenzio 80, 26th August 1980.
— Madrid, Sahlan Momo, Museo Español de Arte Contemporaneo – Filmoteca Nacional Espaõla, 8th March 1983.
1978a | Interazione, for soprano, magnetic tape, and film. Script & realisation. Mus. Michelangelo. Lupone, |: Serena Facci; 16mm, colour, sound, 10’ 30”.
— F.p. Rome, 4 Concerti di musica elettronica, Sala Borromini, 6th December 1978.
— Rome, Auditorium ILA, 21st December 1978.
— Rome, Il giovane cinema italiano, Filmstudio 70, 3rd July 1980.
— Rome, Il cinema undereground italiano, Massenzio 80, 26th August 1980.
— Pesaro, Rossini Opera Festival, Palazzo Mazzolari-Mosca, 31st August 1980.
— Perugia, XXXV Concerto. Associazione Amici della Musica, Sala Brugnoli – Palazzo Cesaroni, 2nd July 1982.
— Madrid, Sahlan Momo, Museo Español de Arte Contemporaneo – Filmoteca Espaõla, 8th March 1983.
— Rome, Transmetrò. C’era una volta l’Underground, Museo Civiltà Rromana, 1oth September 1983.
— Rome, 1° Settimana di Musica Contemporanea, Villa Bonelli, 12th September 1984.
1980 | I Viandanti. Script, realisation & music. Puppets, Marcello Avenali; s8mm, colour, sound, 11’ 30”.
— F.p. Madrid, Sahlan Momo, Museo Español de Arte Contemporaneo – Filmoteca Española, 8yh March 1983.
1980a | L’Ombra. Contrario dell’Io cosciente. [The Shadow. The opposite of the conscious I ]. Script & realisation, costumes. With Rossano Jalenti, Dahlijani Momo, Lucio Racano; mus. W.A. Mozart; orig. mus. & pf. Lucio Racano. 16mm, colour, sound, 35’ 20”, It., 1980.
— F.p. Roma, Il giovane cinema italiano, Filmstudio 70, 29th June 1980.
— Rome, Il cinema underground italiano, Massenzio 80, 26th August 1980.
— Rieti, Il giovane cinema Italiano, Sfera Attraente, 20th October 1980.
— Madrid, Sahlan Momo, Museo Español de Arte Contemporaneo – Filmoteca Española, 8th March 1983.
— Rome, Il cinema d’artista in Italia dagli anni Sessanta agli anni Ottanta, Plazzo delle Esposizioni, 17th November 1991.
1980b | The Wayfarers. Concept & script. Full-length feature film.
1981 | Interno/Esterno. Giorno. Script, music & realisation. With Rossano Jalenti, Dahlijani Momo. 16mm, colour, sound, 15’ 15”.
— F.p. Rome, Il Giovane cinema italiano, Il cinema underground e il cinema d’artista, Filmstudio 70, 3rd November 1981.
— Madrid, Sahlan Momo, Museo Español de Arte Contemporaneo – Filmoteca Espaõla, 8th March 1983.
1979 | Iter su Figure I. Choreographic action for 2 dancers and magnetic tape. Concept, choreog., costumes. Mus. Michelangelo Lupone; dancers, Tiziana Cherubini, Paola Nucci.
— F.p. Rome, Sala Borromini, 28th Octobe 1979.
— Ferrara, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, 21st December 1979.
1980 | Iter su Figure II. Choreographic action for 4 dancers and magnetic tape. Concept, choreog., costumes. Mus. Michelangelo Lupone; dancers: Tiziana Cherubini, Paola Nucci, Lucia Piedimonte, Paola Rossi.
— F.p. Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, 10th November 1980
1983 | La Scala. Performance/choreographic action for 2 dancers. Concept, mus. & pf., choreog., set design, costumes. Perfs. Pedro Garhel, Rosa Galindo.
— F.p. Madrid, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 14th April 1983.
— Madrid, Performance. Espacio Alternativo, 20th April 1983.
1983 | Video interview “Sahlan Momo en Madrid”. Retrospective exhibition 1973-1983 — La Scala performance. Teodoro Martin, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; mus. & pf. Sahlan Momo. Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Museo de Arte Contemporaneo – Filmoteca Nacional Española, Madrid, March-April 1983.
1984 | La Musica Elettronica in Europa. Set design. Sala Borromini, 22nd November.
1985 | Mira. Performance/choreographic action for solo dancer and computer in real time. Concept, choreog., costumes. Mus. Michelangelo Lupone, dancer, Beverley Sandwith; masks, P. & P. Consiglio.
— F.p. Rome, La musica elettronica e le altre cose, Sala Borromini, 23rd November 1985.
— La Spezia, Computer Music tra Ricerca e Mercato, 22nd January 1986.
— Madrid, Centro para la difusion de la musica contemporaneo, (?) September 1987.
— Berlin, Inventionen ’90. Akademie der Künste – Technische Universität; 4th February 1990.
— Madrid, Euterpe e le sue sorelle, Centro de bellas Artes, 4th March 1990. [Dancer, Francesca Roman Sestili].
1986a | Gilgamesh, two-years training workshop-lab. Mus., choreog. set design, costumes.
1987 | 10° Festival Musica Verticale “I Profili del Suono”, Set design, Rome, Palazzo della Cancelleria, 3-25th October 1987.
1987a | L’Ottava. Dramma musicale in 8 quadri. Video-opera. Concept.
1988 | Eumusica. Festival di Musica Verticale. Direction, choreog., set design, costumes.
1988 | Incanto. Performance/choreographic action for 2 dances, soprano e Fly computer in real time. Concept, direction, choreog., set design, costumes. Mus. Michelangelo Lupone; perf. Vincenzo Ivan Cozzi; dancer Beverley Sandwith; sop. Barbara Lazotti.
— F.p. Rome, Festival Eumusica, Goethe Institut, 12th December 1988. [Dancer, Francesca Romana Sistili].
— L’Aquila, Gli strumenti della fantasia. Festival di perfoming music, Teatro San Filippo, 26th September 1989.
— Berlin, Inventionen ’90, Akademie der Künste – Technische Universität, 4th February 1990.
1992 | Ciclo Astrale. Mira, Altair, Mizar, Vega. Four works of musical theatre, for 4 dancers, computer, and live instruments. Concept, direction, choreog., set design, costumes. Mus. Michelangelo Lupone; perf. David Barittoni; dancers, Donatella Patino, Lucia Piedimonte, Paola Rossi; masks, P. & P. Consiglio. Diego Conti, vn.; Guglielmo Pernaselci, pf.; Antonio Caggiano, Gianluca Ruggeri, Alessandro Tomassetti, perc.
— F.p. L’Aquila, Auditorium del Castello, 22nd February 1992.
2016-’19 | Cave 3.0. A multidisciplinary opera depicting the creation and development of human consciousness. Concept, libretto, direction, set design. (In the making. Visit the website).